
Why Canada Should Be Our 51st State

Why Canada Should Be Our 51st State

Ha-ha, just kidding, but made you look, because you're looking for a reason. Or is the consolidation of power a good enough reason?
It's hard to see any other reason, especially for a conservative leader like DonJohn, to want Canada to join the US. The conservative party here in Canada understands climate change for what it really is (even those in the oil industry), so to DonJohn, Canada should look like a whole bunch of liberals. I mean, politically, Canada is not all that different from California and he doesn't seem to like California that much. Not only that, it's far colder than California. And on top of that, there are millions of people here speaking French. Add it all up, and Canada just doesn't really seem like his thing.
I'm not sure why people, myself included, thought he was kidding? I mean, DonJohn is known for a lot of things, but his sense of humour is not one of them.
"Make America Great Again" should now be understood for what it is. This slogan never really resonated with people who've always though the United States was pretty great. But now it is clear that "Make America Great Again" means wielding power with regard for no one's interests but our own. "Restoring the world's respect for the United States" means making other countries kowtow to the US. It's all about survival of the fittest now. Sorry Ukraine (and maybe Lithuania?), Russia is bigger and more powerful. Same for you, Palestine. It shouldn't take more than a generation for people to fall in line with a new world order.
DonJohn is serious. He actually does want to take over Canada. And Greenland. And Panama. He'll convince his followers that it's for our security, the classic argument for making a pre-emptive strike - pitch it as self-defense.
America has been the greatest country on earth, but not by being an aggressor. Take a good look at the faces of all our Olympic team, with so many gold medal winners, and you'll see what has made America great.
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Think Biden’s forgetful? Look in the mirror.

What all did you forget?

Did you forget…

  • that Trump was handed a perfectly good crisis to lead us through and screwed it up royally. (“I don’t take any responsibility at all.” March 13, 2020)
  • or how, when standing next to Putin, he sided with Russia over the US (believed Putin over the entire US intelligence community:  “I see no reason why Russia would meddle in our elections.” Putin said he didn’t do it so that’s that.)
  • or how much hate he stirs up (“very good people on both sides” when one of the sides is white supremacists)
  • or that he ignores all evidence ( and scientific consensus that greenhouse gas emissions are contributing to climate change, weakened limits on emissions, and supports drilling in our national forests and nearly all US waters.
  • or how he told people on January 6, 2021, after droning on and on and on with lie after lie after lie, to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and “take back our country” and that people were killed, including a police officer?

You are free to vote to elect a hateful and delusional narcissist and traitor to democracy to lead our great nation, close your eyes, cross your fingers and hope he does better second time round.  At least you’ll make the billionaires happy.

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Trump Facts

If you are considering voting for Trump, read this first:

  1. Trump led an insurrection against the United States government.
  2. Trump claims to be a “law and order” president — but he sat on his hands and did nothing while the mob that he incited called for his vice president to be hanged.
  3. Trump throws his own country under the bus on the international stage time and again.  Do you remember when he stood next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, and said, in complete contradiction to his own team of US intelligence agents, that he sees no reason why Russia would have interfered with our election? And Trump wrote in September 2023 that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s phone call to reassure China in the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was “an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH.”
  4. Trump doesn’t seem to know what’s going on in his administration.  The Chairman’s phone call referenced above was, in fact, explicitly authorized by his administration officials.
  5. Trump believes the election results are what he says they are, and tried to fabricate votes (“find me 11,780 votes“) to create the illusion of a win in Georgia.  If you think this is OK, then you do not really believe in democracy.
  6. Trump’s track record is unimpressive.  Trump did some good things while in office, e.g., he established the US Space Force (a military branch dedicated to protecting US military assets in space), took out terrorists (ISIS), and compensated a Native American tribe that lost its lands to intentional flooding to build a federal dam (over 100 years ago).  But he handled Covid abysmally poorly, and the border policy of taking kids from their parents without tracking for later reunification is horrific on several levels.
  7. it is difficult to have confidence in his character because his track record does not inspire confidence in good or patriotic decision-making: draft dodging, barring blacks from renting in  his buildings, serially sexually assaulting women, bragging that he grabs women by *****, and multiple bankruptcy filings where workers went unpaid.
  8. Trump has no plan for dealing with climate change.  The modern GOP may not care that we are leaving sullied and damaged ecosystems for our children and grandchildren to inherit (sad, given that the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency was a GOP-led initiative), but you would think the GOP would care that the effects of climate change are incredibly expensive.  It is difficult-to-impossible to buy insurance in parts of California and Florida now as a result of the effects of climate change.
  9. Trump does not seem to support the idea of multiple parties, promoting the idea that “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”.  This forcible suppression of opposition is one of the hallmarks of fascism. A dictatorial leader is another. Ultranationalism is another. Belief in a natural social hierarchy is another (remember when white supremacists marched in Charlottesville and Trump said there were “very good people on both sides”?  This is why Biden ran for office.)
  10. Trump has little respect for the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.   His picks for Supreme Court Justice seem to think that everyone should practice Catholicism.  If they want women to “choose life”, they need to let them choose.
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This is a simple tried and true recipe, and the pancakes are delicious.

1 1/2 c flour

3 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tbsp sugar

1/4 tsp salt

1 1/4 c milk

3 tbsp melted butter

1 egg


Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl.  
Put a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the milk, melted butter and egg.

Mix until combined.

Makes 6 pancakes.

230 calories each.

Credit to

Notes:  I mix wet ingredients together first to leave a few lumps for fluffiness. You might want to add a little bit more milk if the batter is too thick.  Even at medium heat, beware you don’t let your griddle get too hot. I have to pull mine off the heat periodically for a minute to cool it down slightly so the pancakes come out golden.

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Calling All Adventurer Friends

The great outdoors in Mille-Isles, Quebec is… following a dirt road twisting upward into fresh mountain air, quiet and sweet with pine; witnessing a star-spangled night sky so reflected in the still lake that you can’t sort out the fireflies from the cosmic twinkles; losing yourself in leafy woods all busy with birds; breathing in deep the scents of dirt and mushrooms and wood returning to the earth, comforting the ancient primal core of your innermost self; hearing a lone loon call early in the morning, and at twilight, the sounds of bullfrogs and the snap and crackle of a campfire.  That it’s far away from anywhere else makes it hard to get to, which is the whole point.  The earthy abode that awaits you can be viewed at Cottage in Quebec on this site.  

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For Wearers of Baby Barf

For Wearers of Baby Barf

6 Life Hacks for Working Parents summarizes only the best advice I've collected over my first 10 years of parenting while also pursing my passions in other areas.
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When Canada Reminds US How It's Done...

1-minute read

I love lingering over a Sunday paper, but the newspapers here in Canada are full weekend editions printed on Saturdays.  Luckily, there's enough content to have two Sunday morning-type sit-downs so I save half the paper for Sunday.

This morning I was inspired by one of the things the Globe & Mail does best:   in-depth profiles of Canadian personalities.  Last summer, I was inspired by that of Canadian Supreme Court justice and Polish immigrant  Rosalie Abella.  In it, a tale was recounted of Eleanor Roosevelt visiting the refugee camp where Rosalie was born, where Rosalie's father gave the official welcome, saying,  “We are not in a position of showing you many assets.  The best we are able to produce are these few children. They alone are our fortune and our sole hope for the future.”

This morning was another incredibly moving profile, this one of Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s new immigration minister, who also emigrated to Canada at a young age, and who also overcame the challenges of being from a culture and religion different from (and, as a result, sometimes distrusted by) many his new community.  Strange as it sounds, and as G&M columnist Marsha Lederman points out, the formation that comes from overcoming these challenges is a great asset to a country.  In fact, it’s what has made America what it is today.  I hope we Americans do not lose sight of that.  As Hussen contends, “History will judge that countries that are open will be more successful at the end of the day.”

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